The Benefits of Using Compost In Palm Oil Plantation

Are you a fan of palm oil products? Or perhaps wondering where to buy organic fertiliser malaysia with oil palm based? Well, whatever it is, you will need to know that there is a significant method many palm oil plantations’ owners have yet to take note. It is the fact that it is better to use compost in the plantation field as this organic matter gives a lot of benefits for the plants.  
First and foremost, compost have the nutrients which are usually not in present in synthetic fertilizers. They are the macronutrients and the micronutrients. The compost also gives out some nutrients very slowly and it will take around months or even years, not like any other synthetic fertilisers. The compost is said to enhance the soil in keeping nutrients better, which will lower down the chances of waterways from being polluted.
Apart from that, compost also help to neutralise the soil be it acids or alkalis which will cater to optimise the pH in soil to supply the best nutrients to the palms.  It also has the ability to bind aggregates (clusters of soil particles) which will help in supplying excellent structure to the soil. This structure consists of tiny air pores.
Another thing about compost is that it make the grip less tight between bound particles in the soil, thus, making it easier for roots to spread out, water to drain and air to enter. Compost also helps to modify the structure of soil and repair it to be less eroded than it usually was. The compost bounds nutrients very tightly to avoid wash out process to take place on the soil, but it is loose enough for the plants.
All in all, there are many benefits of using compost in your palm oil plantation field as it gives out the best of result for your crops. 
